Friday, April 22, 2005

What the heck

I am so flippin tired. I know part of it is that I like to stay up on certain nights and watch Law and Order and ER. Three nights a week I stay awake until 11 pm. Other nights I go to bed about 10 pm. Jacob wakes up maybe once a night and sometimes he doesn't wake up until we wake up in the morning. I want to nap during the day but I can't. Kelly does not nap anymore and I can't fall a sleep when Jacob and Sean are napping because Kelly is only almost 5. I can't let her run wild while I nap. It will only get worse too. Kelly goes to Kindergarten in September. She will hopefully go in the morning class so I won't be able to nap at all. I will be able to nap once Kelly is in school full time but by then I bet Sean won't want to take naps anymore. I can't win. I need naps to function. I am NOT a morning person. I really don't fully wake up until 11 am. I think it also is the fact that I have 4 kids and they take all the energy out of me just to take care of them.

I think we need TIVO or what ever is out there that records shows and we can just watch them the next day. This way I can go to bed about 9 pm and feel well rested. What is sad is you can tell when I have not had a good night sleep. First the obvious I look tired and I walk slow all day. The main problem is our apartment gets neglected. Only one room is completely cleaned when I am tired. Other days I can get almost every room cleaned up before Gabe gets home from work.

Anyway....I am really tired today. I am rambling on and on about being tired so I must be REALLY tired. I WANT A NAP :(


At 1:37 PM, Blogger rebecca marie said...

sympathetic yaaaawwwwnnn....

dreadful sorry, clementine.


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