Thursday, June 02, 2005

All these animal hitting stories....

got me thinking about the time Gabe, the kids( I was pregnant with our third at the time),and I drove to Utah (another story for another time. I will write about it I swear. In short....Gabe and I use to be Mormon.) When we were driving to Utah, we were heading through the mountains on I-84 at about midnight or so... Well, there was some construction and we were funneled into one lane. As Gabe is driving, he notices three elk running across the road. He swerves to the right, I am totaly screaming at this point. One of the elk starts scrambling up the embankment... Luckily the one on the left of the van stopped, instead of running from being startled. When the elk stopped, it made just enough room in-between the others for the van to pass through. We were close enough that Gabe could have rolled down the window and pet the thing... And it was HUGE! We have a Dodge Caravan, and it was about eye level with Gabe in the car!

Both Gabe and I were seriously sweating and white as ghosts. After all that Gabe and I did not talk for maybe a minute or two. I swear we both saw our lives flash before our eyes. The funny thing is Melissa and Kelly slept through the whole thing.


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