Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Interview from Rebecca Marie

1) You’re on the Titanic, and you just found out it’s going down. There is room on a lifeboat for you and the kids. What do you say to Gabe as the boat is being lowered?


I love you Gabe don't you ever forget that. Find a way to save yourself. I don't want to loose you. We need you. Be safe my love.

Or my second opion would be to stay with him if we did not have kids. I would find a way to save us both together.

2) Desert Island time, you are stranded, what three items would you take and why. People don’t count as items… material things only.


Well I would hope I worked for Fed Ex and a Volleyball named Wilson would appear for me to play with. Ok seriously now....

A deck of cards
A tooth brush
A blanket

3) You can’t ever scrapbook again. What hobby would you take up, and why?


I would rather die. Scrapbooking is my one and only hobby.

4) You can only eat one meal for the rest of your life, choose one, tuna fish sandwiches with extra pickles in the tuna, or split pea soup with ham.


Tuna fish sandwich with extra pickles in the tuna and it has to be on whole grain bread

5) Do you vote? Why or why not?


Yes I do vote. It is the American thing to do. Every vote counts. (Well my American Idol votes did not count because Bo Bice did not win) But seriously the only poll I vote for is the presidential election. I have gorwn up a lot. The last time I voted besides the most recent presential election was When Bill Clinton ran for another 4 years. I voted for President Bill Clinton because I thought he was hot. Yes you heard me right. I was 18 people come on.

Now it is your turn. Reply to this blog and I will post interview questions for you. And like Rebecca Marie the first 5 people will be it.

1. Leave me a comment saying 'interview me please'.
2. I will respond by asking you five questions here on my blog (not the same questions you see here).
3. You will update your blog/site with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.


At 4:16 PM, Blogger tabitha jane said...

i will, sadly, admit that i think dubya is sort of cute . . . when he's in his cowboy hat on his ranch (you know that home video scene in 9/11? we were watching it and i turned to my sister and i said, "i think he sort of cute.")

there, i admitted it.

but i didn't vote for him.


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