Friday, July 08, 2005

WHY do we have to have Summer Break?

I wish my kids could go to a year round school. I know I know that sounds mean but who the heck decided "hey lets give the kids a 2 1/2 month break from school."

Don't get me wrong I love my kids but having all 4 at home 24/7 is driving me nuts. I clean all dang day and at the end of the day the place looks the way it did before I started cleaning it up. What is up with that?

A big stress is poor Jacob suffers at breastfeeding time. I constantly have to start over because I have to get up to tell Sean to get out of the fridge or to leave my candles a lone and so on.

Melissa and Kelly fight all day about stupid stuff. I hear a lot "hey take the kids to the apartments pool." Well no thanks. Not with 4 kids. Melissa and Kelly would actually be fine but Sean would go from the kiddy pool to the big pool every minute. What would I do with Jacob while having to take care of Sean? No pool for me unless Gabe is there with me. It sucks because I KNOW the kids want to go swimming. Plus if I am going to hang out most of the day at the pool I need to get a nice tan first or I might blind someone with my butt white body and I need to tone up my abs a bit too. We have gone out on walks but we can only go to the same place while walking. Up the street and back. I can not wait to take my drivers test. Then I can take the kids to the mall and walk around but that could be dangerous for our checking account.

I admit I LOVED Summer break when I was a kid but now that I have my own kids I wish there wasn't a Summer break. At least come September I will have two in school but one is only half day but hey I will have only 2 kids at home from about 11 am to 2:30 pm.

I don't mind Winter break and Spring break at all. At least there is something to look forward to with Easter and Chistmas. Summer break means (sometimes)long car trips for vacation to visit family. The last time we went on a car trip Kelly threw up in the car several times. I was pregnant and could not help with the clean up because I would throw up too.

I wish I could enroll the girls in some fun Summer activities but we can't this Summer. Maybe next Summer. I looked into sending Melissa to camp but for the whole Summer it was going to be $600 WAY TO EXPENSIVE. That was the YMCA's discount price to.

I know the girls are going crazy being at home all day and most of the time indoors. I hate it too. We have had crazy weather and it gets hard to tell the kids yes tomorrow we will go on a walk and then it rains. I was stuck indoors all day over the Summer when I was a kid too. Also right now we live in an apartment. I am not going to let my kids run wild outside. They can't really play on the balcany either. At least by next Summer they will have a backyard to play in and a community park like 2 blocks away.

Anyone else having a hard Summer with their kids being home?


At 2:51 PM, Blogger rebecca marie said...

pump some milk, and bring me the baby take the kids somewhere!!!

At 3:20 PM, Blogger Scrapping Dani said...

Oh I wish I could go some where. Since I only have my permit and we only have one car I am kind of stuck here. :(

We still need to get together. What about a movie night with Breanna and Tabitha. We can leave the kids with the men but I will take Jacob and we can see Dukes. What do you say about that?

Jacob is doing well. He cut two teeth on July 4th and July 5th. His smile has changed now. My baby is growing up too fast.

At 3:57 PM, Blogger tabitha jane said...

yeay for movie night! rebecca marie and i were just emailing about this very thing . . .

At 3:58 PM, Blogger Scrapping Dani said...

We can't forget about Kathy. She needs to come to. I will email her and ask.

At 4:36 PM, Blogger tabitha jane said...

maybe i'll finally get to meet you two in person! (maybe even before the blogger picnic)

At 9:51 AM, Blogger tabitha jane said...

it was good to meet you yesterday. i had fun!

goonies never say die!

At 9:54 AM, Blogger Scrapping Dani said...

It was great meeting you too. We have to do this again sometime. Can't wait for the blogger picnic.


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