Friday, May 27, 2005

American Idol

So the last two were Bo and Carrie. I think both of them are awesome.

I admit I REALLY wanted Bo to win. I voted a total of 245 times for Bo. YES I VOTED. You got a problem with that? Either way Bo will get a record deal. I will totally buy Carrie and Bo's CD's as soon as they come out.

At least the butt hole neck guy did not win. LOL! Or Gabe likes to call him belly button neck guy.

Quote of the day

Kelly said this a few days ago but I just had to post it today. A few days ago a friend of Melissa's called. While on the phone for a few minutes Melissa had to use the bathroom. So instead of telling her friend good bye she handed the phone to Kelly and said talk to my friend while I use the bathroom.

Now Kelly is not a talker at all. She phone conversations are Hi, who is this? Love you bye.

So Kelly gets on the phone and says Hi, I am my sister's sister. My name is Kelly. Then there wasn't any talking until Melissa got the phone back.

So the quote of the day is....

Hi, I am my sister's sister.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Happy birthday Melissa

My oldest child is 8 years old today. GASP* I am old.

I love you Melissa, have a great day.

She also shares her birthday with her cousin Billy who is 15 today


Tuesday, May 24, 2005

New job title

I hate the words home maker and house wife. To me that job title is so 1950's. I don't wear a dress every day. I don't wear make up all the time. Maybe once a week. The place is not always clean. I don't bake unless it is a cake for a birthday or for an occational craving for cookies or brownies. I don't have dinner ready on time at the table and some nights I don't even want to make dinner.

When people ask me what I do for a living I say I am a stay at home mom. I am not a home maker or house wife. PLEASE don't call me that. I hate that it says that on papers we have to fill out for a credit card etc.

I also hate sometimes when I meet new people and they tell me what they do for a living then I say "I am a stay at home mom." They look at me like I am not worth anything. What is up with that?

From now on my new job title is....

Research Associate in the field of Child Development and Human Relations.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Update on my random thoughts

I had posted "another year of not getting diamond earrings."

Well I was wrong. Gabe got me 1/5 karrot princess cut diamond earrings. He's a keeper.

Got me thinking

So all these accidents have got me thinking "things always happen in thirds."

Sean has his nose broken
Kelly almost had her finger ripped off

Who is next? It could be anybody in my immediate family or the Hayes family. EVERY BODY be careful.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

My kids- funny things they have said

Melissa- while singing her ABC's when she was much younger she gets to X and sings X marks the spot then goes on to finish the ABC song

Also last Summer Melissa decided she did not want to grow out her bangs anymore and chopped them off with scissors. She comes out of the room crying. I freaked out and yell at her. She was suppose to be in a wedding in August and she ruined her hair. Well she still was in the wedding she just wore a ribbon around her hair to cover her mess of a buzz. But that is not all. The next day after the buzz had happened I asked her what she did with her hair she had cut. She said she hid it because she thought if she hid her cut hair no one would notice what she had done.

Kelly- loves to sing but ALWAYS sings the wrong words. She always messed up this song. Patty Cake patty cake bakers man. She sings Patty cake patty cake bake your man.

Sean has gotten really into the movie Toy Story. We took the kids to the Disney store so they could all get a little something. Well Kelly would not make up her mind about what she wanted for under $10. She blurted out loud. "I want a woody".

Sean- Famous words OH MY GAWK!

Jacob well he can't talk but he did have that poop disaster (read my blog titled GROSS and you can get the whole story.)

Friday, May 06, 2005

Been away for a while.

I have been so busy. I will try to post more. I want to post pictures on my blog and post my scrapbook pages as well but I don't have a clue how to do that. I figure hey that is the main reason why I started this blog. After all my blog name is scrapping dani. DUH!

There is something I found that I want to post but I don't know how to add the picture to it so I will have to wait until Gabe gets home. BUMMER!!!!

Just random thoughts right now....

New Pepsi. Lime flavored. WHOOHOO. I instantly thought of Rebecca Marie. It is pretty darn tasty

Another Mother's Day and so not getting what I have been wanting for 7 years. A nice pair of diamond earrings.

I hate cleaning

The Dentist can kiss my butt.

I have to get my license before my newphews and my niece (sister's kid). She may already have it though. Have not talked to her about it. I plan on getting my driver's license over the Summer

OK random thoughts done. Now if only I could figure out what to do for dinner. I hate cooking. Never know what to cook.